
GREAT NEWS – We’ve made some changes which will benefit all PATRONS!

Click to see how to Become a Patron of Alabama Pioneers and read thousands of lost and forgotten stories, free books and other added benefits for only $2 a month. Cancel anytime.

For the past few weeks, we have been posting individual transcribed stories, from our published books on the PATRON POSTS section of our MENU at alabamapioneers.com.

This task will take some weeks to complete, but provides added benefits for ALL Patron members. Once finished, ALL PATRONS will unlock all the stories and read all the contents of our historical books on www.alabamapioneers.com for $2 per month. Become and Alabama Pioneers Patron today and help us share lost and forgotten stories, biographies, humorous posts about Alabama online.

Click to see how to Become a Patron of Alabama Pioneers and read thousands of lost and forgotten stories, free books and other added benefits for ony $2 a month. You can cancel anytime.

Click to see how to Become a Patron of Alabama Pioneers and read thousands of lost and forgotten stories, free books and other added benefits for only $2 a month.

Thank you for becoming an Alabama Pioneer and supporting us as we search for more lost and forgotten stories!


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