New Stories

Two fisherman to one fish, fine for taking a nap during jury duty

News stories from around Alabama


June 11, 1874

  • Fishing is the amusement now in Greene. The Eutaw Whig says there are 2 fisherman to one fish.Puffer fish
  • Mr. Daniel Nicholls, living within 9 miles of Tuscumbia, 98 years old last March, works every day, tending a garden which produces vegetables for a large family. He keeps his garden free of weeds and grass.
  • The Tuscumbia Times has interviewed Frank Hobbs, an old negro, on the plantation of Mr. L. B. Cooper near that city, who claims to be 93 years old. He states that he is the father of 63 children by 9 wives; by the first wife 12; the second, 11; the third, 9; the 4th, 14′ the 5th, 3′ the 6tth, 7; the 7th, 2; the 8th, 9; the 9th, 1.
  • The Evergreen Star says, Rev. Andrew Jay has just returned to that place from a portion of Texas. He was a delegate to the Baptist convention recently held in that State. He returns fully satisfied that Alabama is not the worst State in the Union and all that is necessary to make our State prosperous is energy.
  • Mr. Geo. W. Chambers proposed to raise a subscription to build a monument over the graves of the soldiers who fell at the battle of Talladega.
  • A negro juryman in Selma was made to pay $5 for a short nap while on duty.
  • Mobile merchants refuse to advance to farmers unless they plant plenty of corn.corn crop
  • In Tuscaloosa county, last week, Wm. Snyder, a young man aged 22, was shot and killed, while chopping wood, by one Beavers, a youth of 18. The weapon used was a shot-gun and the cause of the shooting was the alleged seduction of Beavers’ sister by Snyder.
  • John Lewis and Hardy Jackson, negroes, living in Montgomery county, had a quarrel about some land, and John closed the argument by shooting Hardy dead with his little musket. He was arrested and committed to jail without bail.
  • Mr. Ben Marks, of Selma, has been sent to the Insane Asylum.
  • The tax collector of Dallas county has sold 80,000 acres of land the present season.

March 17, 1934. Moore House, Persimmon Street, Summerfield, Dallas County, AL

March 17, 1934. FRONT VIEW. - Moore House, Persimmon Street, Summerfield, Dallas County, AL

  • Rev. Jabez L. M. Curry will deliver the annual address before the literary societies of Auburn College in July.
  • The Marshal of Northport was seriously stabbed last week by a drunken fellow whom he was trying to arrest.
  • Many planters in the upper Coosa bottoms planted corn and sowed millet on their overflowed wheat lands.
  • A  thousand acres of as good land as there is in Autauga county sold at a sheriff sale, in Prattville, last Monday, for $200.

Autauga County landautauga county land

  • The down Express train on Friday night when about six miles above West Point ran over and horribly mangled a man names Math Whitfield, who was seen on the track; but too late to stop the train. it is supposed he was intoxicated at the time. (Montgomery News)
  • Col. W. B. H. Howard, of Camden, will deliver the annual Address to the Literary Societies of the University of Alabama, and Rev. W. J. Lowery of Selma, will preach the Commencement sermon.
  • The Ozark (Ala.) Southern Star is informed that a young man by the name of Pendleton, or Pennington, a painter, who stayed about Ozark a portion of the time last winter, stole a horse in Geneva one day last week, and was pursued, overtaken and shot to death.
  • Col J. T. Terry, accompanied by his wife and daughter, have been on a visit to the bride’s father, Dr. John C. Taylor of Forkland.
  • Mrs. Dr. Sears is going to spend the summer at her old home, Abingdon, Va.
  • The Rev. Mr. Clifton has removed his family to Blount Springs, while the new parsonage is building.

Jackson House Hotel, Blount Springs, AlabamaBlount springs jackson house hotel

  • Died in this city, at four o’clock, yesterday afternoon, of consumption, Miss Rebecca A. Hughes, formerly of Pickens county. We tender our sympathies to the afflicted relatives.
  • Workmen have commenced operations on the foundations of the new Court House. The architect, Mr. Ball, of Selma, has been here giving directions.
  • Death of an old citizen – We are pained to announce the death of Mr. Terrell F. Waldrop, of this county, which occurred at his residence, twenty miles west of Birmingham, on last Sunday morning. He had been suffering from ill health for some months, and yet died very suddenly and unexpectedly at the breakfast table, or immediately after being carried to his bed.
  • Mr. Waldrop had been identified with the public affairs of Jefferson county for a long period, having first served as bailiff, then as Tax Assessor and lastly as County Surveyor. He was a good and true man, endowed with excellent sense and with its usual accompaniment, a vein of good humor. He has left as many friends and as sincere ones as any could boast of having in this his native county.


  • Mr. F. M. Grace having purchased a half interest in this paper, the connection of the undersigned with it ceased with last week’s issue. My intercourse with the people of Birmingham has been brief but pleasant, and I retire with thanks to the many friends who have encouraged me and with my best wishes for all.
  • My connection with the press will be renewed in the adjoining county of Shelby, where I will endeavor to do my part in the political campaign before us. C. Roberts.

Discordance: The Cottinghams (Volume 1) – A novel inspired by the experiences of the Cottingham family who immigrated from the Eastern Shore of Virginia to Alabama

Filled with drama, suspense, humor, and romance, DISCORDANCE continues the family saga from the Tapestry of Love series with the children of Mary Dixon who married Thomas Cottingham.

Inspired by true events and the Cottingham family that resided in 17th century Somerset, Maryland and Delaware, colonial America comes alive with pirate attacks, religious discord, and governmental disagreements in the pre-Revolutionary War days of America.

Discordance: The Cottinghams (Volume 1)


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