Tag: Alabama


Have you ever had an embarrassing moment like this? How did you handle it?

JUST LIKE MINE By Joyce Ray Wheeler   We were so young in 1953 when my husband became a mathematics professor at Howard College…


AUTHOR SUNDAY: “Perhaps I was Granny’s favorite. I secretly thought so.” – the story of old times in Ralph, Alabama

GRANNY'S HOUSE See More Family Stories from  Dorothy Graham Gast My maternal grandparents were Mary Florence (Mamie) Cork and John Leland Barton, both born…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON + Magnolia Grove, Greensboro, the old home of Richard Pearson Hobson of “The Sinking of the Merrimac” fame

Magnolia Grove, located at 1002 Hobson Street in Greensboro, Alabama is a historic site and museum located in Greensboro, Hale County, Alabama that is…