Tag: Alabama history

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Historic tornado outbreak killed about 275 people

HISTORIC TORNADO OUTBREAK ALABAMA March 21-22, 1932 (FROM: DARKEST HOURS by Jay Robert Nash) On March 21, 1932, Marion, Alabama was the first…

New Stories

UPDATED WITH PODCAST – Madame Wooster cared for the sick in Birmingham & had a romance with John Wilkes Booth is honored at UAB

[The Lou Wooster Public Health Award at the University of Alabama in Birmingham School of Public Health is presented annually by the University of…

New Stories

Simpson Manuscript – Gen. Clanton killed with shotgun by an attorney and stolen portrait of Vice-President William Rufus King

Excerpt from ALABAMA STATE CAPITOL AN HISTORICAL SKETCH, Brochure by JAMES B. SIMPSON, Late Recording Secretary to the Governor JANUARY 1898 Roemer Printing Co.,…