Tag: 1950’s


Oh, What Games We Played before technology took over – Do you remember these?

Oh, What Games We Played by Jean Butterworth Fall is here! When the first little bit of cool air hit my face early one…


UPDATED WITH PODCAST -A simple missile stands on a corner in Huntsville, a symbol of the space race with Russia in October 1957 & January 1958

In October 1957, Sputnik was launched by the Russians, but the US scientist in the then small town of Huntsville, Alabama were not far…


AUTHOR SUNDAY – “To supplement his GI Bill income he had tutored Bear Bryant’s football boys – china was too expensive”

Cute story reveals a little about life in the 1950s..... China Teardrops by Joyce Ray Wheeler It was September of the year 1953. A…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON + Alabama was the first state to recognize Christmas as an official holiday [see parade pictures from the 1950s in Alabama]

Note: This story has been reported in newspapers since the 1930s, and is all over the internet including the History.com but the Alabama Department of…