A “rolling store” salesman carrying a sack of flour into a rural home. Coffee County, Alabama
We all know the Rolling Stones are going to be around forever, but will rolling stores be making a return?
Papa’s Rolling Stores and Customer Service
written by
Becki McAnnally
March 3, 2012
Today, we hear so much about “Customer Service” and “ Customer Satisfaction”. There are reams of articles and books written on the subject, and billions of dollars made every year on programs teaching hospitals, businesses and others how to instill in employees the desire and skills to deliver the best of customer service….and on how to measure the quality of the services and the satisfaction levels achieved. This will be of even more importance when our Health Care Law really goes into effect.
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Inside of rolling store with a tank of kerosene on the back (at left). Coffee County, Alabama. The average daily sale is sixty dollars and they take in lots of produce
Customer service meant delivered to your door
But this story is about an earlier time when the best of customer service meant that products and services were delivered right to your door !!! (It really caught on, because nowadays we can’t get a lot of the services I remember, but you can certainly get many that are very useful, and some, due to improved technology, are delivered instantly!!!
I can remember when the ice man delivered a huge block of ice, which went in a wooden icebox lined with metal…a piece of treasured furniture that I still have to this day. He came at least twice a week, because there were no freezers then, except for very small sections in the earlier refrigerators, which so many people did not have. Then there was the man who picked up and delivered the dry cleaning, and of course, for those who did not have a cow, how could we forget the milkman???
They operated two rolling stores
When I mentioned to my husband, Dale, the topic of my article, he reminded me of his great-grandfather, Joe D. McAnnally, and his son, Dault, (his grandfather, “Papa”) who owned and traded a vast parcel of farming land known as part of “McAnnally’s Cove” in Blount County, to a man for fully a stocked grocery store and large home in Garden City, Alabama, in 1923. In the late 1930 ’s, they began to operate two rolling stores, and Dault also owned a chicken, eggs, feed and potato business, and quite a lot of the surrounding farmland.
He hired drivers and sent out the rolling stores to all the surrounding area in Cullman County. The stores were made from new bus frames and chassis, then the back was covered in plywood. The inside had slanted shelves, so the goods would not roll around or fall to the floor and be damaged. On these rolling stores, there were canned goods, bread, bologna and other sandwich meats; butter, cheese, vegetables, watermelons and cantaloupes in season; sacks of flour, meal and sugar in white cotton sacks that made great dishtowels; soft drinks in a large drink box filled with ice; material, sewing goods, candy, kerosene (“coal oil”) and many other items that were so useful to the farm families who couldn’t always get to the store.
Folks had no money so they bartered
A great many of these folks that the rolling store served had no money but would barter chickens and eggs and other produce for items they needed. For that reason, the drivers carried chicken coops on top of the truck, and a ladder so they could access them for the trades. They met a serious need during a perilous time.
Dale said that on occasion Papa would drive the store, and he would accompany him. He vividly remembers the people out in the field who would see them coming, stop the mules, lay down the plow lines, and come running to the truck! The ladies would always come out of the house if they were inside, to look at the materials, ribbon, and sewing notions, and the children, of course, always wanted candy and soft drinks. Papa would fill the kerosene cans, then put a potato in the spout to keep it filled, if there was no cap!
He would talk too much
The other drivers and my husband’s mother hated it when Papa drove because he loved to talk to everyone so much. He would walk the fields, check the height of the corn, examine the cow, chickens, and pigs or talk about how dry or wet it was.They wouldn’t get home until really late, and everything in the truck had to be restocked …making everyone late to get home. And Dale had missed his mother’s supper, but he certainly wasn’t hungry…he had eaten all day!!!!!
It was a simpler time, but the idea of great customer service wasn’t lost on Papa McAnnally! And if he had thought to do a satisfaction survey, I am sure he would have scored in the high 90’s, if not 100’s, because he believed in great “Customer Service”!!!
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My Grandma Lizzie would say “The Peddlers” coming today.
My Dad and Mom met because of my Grand Father’s Rolling Store. This was in Ragland, Alabama in the 40’s. JS, my grand dad sold goods all over St Clair and Talladega counties for many years until he opened a regular store in Ragland.
Our peddler c
Phone problems
I well remember the ‘Watkins’ truck coming around…a long long time ago.
My dad’s first cousin had one! At a time when not everyone had a car, it provided a valuable service. Not a safe business any more, as the robberies of pizza delivery persons has demonstrated.
My grandad had a rolling store. I loved those stories
My husbands Uncle had one. We knew what day it was supposed to come and we would wait patiently all day for it to get to our house!
My grandmother loved when the peddler came once a week. She had no transportation of her own other than kids coming by.
Oh yes I remember these very well, grandma always let of get one piece of candy. What a piece of memory.
Back in the 50’s a Rolling Store came by my grandmothers house. As a child back then it was a real treat buying a piece of candy off the store.
I remember these…. Back when we lived in areas around Birmingham!!! Also remember the ice wagon coming around!
I remember them well. Ray
Midge Padgett Putnam
my cousin told me about these too.
My grandfather had a rolling store and sold/bartered around Pickens Co.
I remember the Watkins Company coming to Mama’s house and the Fuller brush man.
yes they came by our house
I remember the rolling store coming by my grandmother’s house. I agree with David Rabren, it was a treat to buy candy from the “store”. My grandmother bought necessities.
ZZana Zaidan Lord I love this page!
Will Robertson
These were followed in later years by the “dollar-a-week man” who sold furniture, fans, etc., from a pickup truck. Items were paid off in weekly payments.
Another great article and piece of history.
My neighbor’s dad drove the rolling store for the Piggly Wiggly in New Brockton. I know it was still going out in the 1960s, maybe a later than that.
My Moma use to buy vegetables from a peddler . Wish we still had that, maybe that business will come back.
Today’s rolling stores sell cupcakes and tacos throughout Birmingham!
Food trucks
I can remember when they used 2 deliver by the house
There was a rolling store that came to my grandmother’s house and it was such a treat for us yankee kids. We lived up north and only came in the summer…good memories.
Rolling Stores came through rural South and carried basic groceries also sewing goods and some hardware. they would take eggs as money a penny apiece. but in those days you got a lot for a penny.It was great for people living way out in the country with only a wagon and a mule for transportation.
I remember the rolling store as a child coming to my Aunt’s house.
I loved seeing this coming down our old dirt road! Momma would usually have eggs that we exchanged for other things she needed. On rare occasions, we would get candy. We called it the peddler.
We called him the peddler, too…We were always excited to see him comin on that ole dusty dirt road…..
I remember that…
Criders groceries in Forney Al. Had one years ago they still had the truck when they close their business just a few years ago
My mother remembers rolling stores from her childhood in Coffee County.
Frank English ,my husbands grandfather ran one around Elba !?!
When I was very little it was a rolling store and the book mobile that got us through the summer. Just had 1 car and my dad was gone every day to TCI to work so we look forward to both and had the days they came by marked on the calendar.
It would be nice if they would. Without ridiculous government regulations. We enjoyed buying produce from the back of a truck/wagon.
I remember the ‘peddler’ coming by my Maw and Paw’s house on rural Lookout Mtn in NE AL growing up.
In N. Bham at my grandmothers on 14th ave and 14th street there was a man in a bus converted to a vegetable vendor who drove by once a week. Remember those wax cola bottles filled with sugar water!!!
I believe that bus is the same one that came through Elyton Village on 3rd Avenue West around 1961
Sounds like the right time Bill Bolton!!! Lucky cakes!!!
I grew up on 17th Place in West End. That Produce Bus came by our place too.
They have returned …. food trucks!
They have returned …. food trucks!
Probably not going to return any time soon.
Had one in Uriah, Al.
I can remember a Mr. Dunn’s bus coming by my Granny’s house in West End,Bham in early 60’s
Me too
Me too in Elyton Village on 3rd Avenue West
I barely remember the ‘Watkins’ man in the late 40’s in Blount County, AL.
Growing up in a rural area we always looked forward to the Rolling Store coming by. We usually had something to trade for something that we needed.
I remember these. We could exchange an egg for some candy!!!!
i was born in bayview ( a coal minimg camp) &, at the age of 9, we moved to wylam( both in jefferson county). i remember the ” truck farmers ” coming around… the guy always had candy for the kids & the produce was always fresh…. ah, the menories! ( both houses were in alabama)
I remember the rolling store stopping in our yard here near Cumbee’s Mill in the late 1940’s and I remember the ice man too!
My father has told a lot of stories about the rolling store.
I remember them Especially out in the country !!
I loved it when they showed up, I was getting a Coke!!! And yes I would buy from them today!
I remember the rolling store, excitement when he came by
I remember stories my Grandmother and my mother would tell me about the rolling county store in South Alabama, how when my grandmother was a girl they that was the only way the would have sugar was when the peddlar man came by and they booted for it with chickens and eggs, and when my mother was a girl, they bought the girls shoes from the rolling store and a few kitchen goods.
We had a rolling store come by our house. My Dad and Mon have seven kids to raise ,most food we raise ever thing else came off the rolling store We live Rockey Hill Alabama
I remember them from the sixties coming by our house in the town of Clio,Al.Wish they were still around (I hate going to town)
We use to wait on the ice cream truck at my grandmother’s in Georgia
I remember staying with my grandparents andthey had 2 rolling stores each wk. I would the one listening for the sound of the truck as it came down the gravel road ! My grandma would always have money tied up in a handkerchief in her apron pocket ! I can see the big corner with money tied up in one corner ! My grandpa always bought cheddar cheese that was cut and weighed and came in a big hoop ! He always bought cinnamon rolls and ate them along with bites of cheese ! My Grandma bought sewing notions such as thread and buttons and she would but items she wanted but most supplies were bought when they went to town !
I remember these
I lived in West End from 1948-1958 and remember the rolling store well.
My grandmother bought a little red rocker for me off one of these. It was always a treat when they showed up in our rural area of Fayette Co.
Before I started to schoo, I remember a “peddler” coming around evry few weeks to sell his wares…..My Maw Maw would buy Standard Coffee, pie filling and other things from him—she would get cups and saucers and plates as rewards for buying a certain amount or a certain thing…I would buy penny candy or bubble gum…It was an adventure to gointo the peddler’s truck..
I remember that peddler truck Wilma. It was really an orange and black panel station wagon type thing. I remember the goodies like you said in it. Isabell our neighbor would buy candies also to give to us and her children and grandchildren and greatgrandchildren and she said to sell, although I don’t know how much she really sold. I remember eating a coconut three colored candy bar lol
Those are great memories……
Those are great memories……
Thank y’all….
My uncle Roy Stokes had a rolling store in Dale County during the forties and early 50’s. I can remember him coming by our house during the summer time
I always like forward to getting the banana suckers they were wonderful.
I remember them well, came by our house every Saturday afternoon.
Would have been interesting to see at a younger age. My favorite book to check out from the library when I was in elementary school was “Project Boy” and related many incidences of the rolling store coming to the project and what could be bought in that manner. Loved hearing about that.
I do not recall the Rolling Store. However, I clearly remember the Fuller Brush salesman going from house to a house.
Dodson Graham owned one in Elmore County! He was a wonderful man that was handicapped, but let nothing stop him! He was my second cousin & I still think of him often. I loved him dearly!
My daddy drove a “rolling store” when we were babies! We heard some fantastic tales of his experiances!!
I remember the rolling store, a sort of miniature Walmart, coming by my grandmother’s house in rural Blount County (late 1950’s). What it didn’t have on board could be ordered for delivery on the next run. My grandmother had a standing order for some items. I loved the hoop cheese with the red rind! Good memories of the “peddler”. Would be nice for seniors to have a rolling store and also a rolling library now.
Loved going to my grand mother’s house and getting candy from the Rolling Store.
I remember these!
I remember the one that came through Jefferson on Saturday mornings. It was an old converted school bus. Usually got to spend a dime on candy.
We had one that came through in Gosport,AL when I was little and you could hear it coming about a mile away. All the rattling and clanging of the truck because the roads were all dirt back then. My Pawpaw bought me some overalls off of it. It even had a few tractor parts !
Had one in Limestone County in the early 50s
We had a peddler Same thing.
I remember the one around Grady and Dublin
I loved the rolling store. We lived in a very rural part of Elmore County and the highlight of the week was to see the Rolling Store come.
That was probably my Dad! He worked Elmore County and I rode with him every chance I got. His name was Marvin Goodman.
That was probably my Dad! He worked Elmore County and I rode with him every chance I got. His name was Marvin Goodman.
Janice, I don’t remember his name it I remember that I spent the night at his house with his little girl and coughed all night. His wife was so sweet to me. They lived in a house just going into Wetumpka ca 1941.
A rolling store came by our house every weekwhen I was a little girl. We got our groceries off it. Had no way to get to town except walk. The rolling store was a blessing.
We called them the Peddler. Cam by my grandmothers n pawpaws every week.
I lived in the Country and they came to our house
This is still common in a lot of european countries. It really supports the sense of community. Some rural areas also have large ‘village ovens’ where food is cooked for anyone that brings it on a daily basis. Wonderful lifestyle imho.
I remember my Grandmother Mann talking about exchanging her eggs for flour and sugar from the Rolling Store. . . Newsite Community, Tallapoosa Co., AL 1920s
Remember the rolling store very clearly. The one that worked areas outside of Collinsville was an old school bus body filled with about everything you might expect from a general store.
We had one in Greenville. That would have in the 50 s.
I have been thinking so!
I was child in rural north Alabama, we referred to him as the peddler, you could sell him Eggs, chickens, or farm produce. So if you had no money he would barter your goods for what he had that you were in need of, such precious MEMORIES!
I’ve heard mama refer to rolling stores…interesting concept. I remember when we had vegetables and fruits driving thru neighborhoods. All the ladies would hear it coming and go pick them veggies. I remember them and bought from them
My Dad was raised in Coffee county and I, well remember, the sound of the mule drawn rolling store coming up the washborded dirt road hill at Granny’s house. If you needed it, they had it on the rolling store….
I remember the peddler coming to my grandmothers he would have flour sugar cornmeal eggs fruit potatoes veggies candy
I had many a shirt made from flour sacks after they were empty . The rolling stores were critical in the rural areas on up until at least 55 years ago.
Our dad (Moxley Holland) drove a rolling store in Crenshaw county back in the day.. He had some interesting stories to share!
Hey David, my grandfather (Brad Thompkins) also had a Rolling Store in Crenshaw Co. before he open his barber shop in Luverne.
We had them in Coosa County into the 60’s, we also had a station wagon Watkins man selling candy and notions, liniment, and the wonderful cure all Caster oil
Jerry I too remember the rolling stores. Mother could get the things we didn’t grow. She sewed and always needed needles.
I remember these!
Mr. Williams had a ton half ford truck rolling store you could buy or trade goods around Weogufka and Coosa Co. ala. when i was a kid.
My Uncle Bill was a sort of “rolling stone.” He drove a station wagon stocked with things country people couldn’t get easily and made his rounds.
Yep, and I enjoyed riding his route with him in the summer. After word of his passing began to spread many of his customers began calling the house telling my mom and me how much they still owed on their bills and sending the money to my mother.
I meant “rolling store,” of course!
It was a real treat to tag along when he re stocked his supplies and filled orders at the wholesale houses in Birmingham. Sometimes I would wind up with a new dress on those days.
I remember my first Honey Graham cracker came from a rolling store!!!
Sharon Vinson, what part of Fayette County? I was born on what is now cr100 between Pilgrim’s Rest and Newtonville. We had a rolling store come there.
Had them in Escambia County, lived on a rural route from Atmore. What a jog of some good memories.
Did we grow up in the same area? My grandmother lived in the northern end of Escambia County, what is known as Walnut Hill Florida on a dirt road. Dorothy and I would spend part of the summers there. I remember the “rolling store” would come by so often. My mom and dad had a fish market in Ferry Pass when we were in school. My dad bought an old telephone truck. He would put ice in the different compartments and would take fish to the same area and peddle them. Thanks for allowing me to stroll down memory lane.
Becki, she lived in the big city of Bankston. It may have been the same rolling store because I know he went all over. I can see him in my mind’s eye and can almost remember his name but just can’t quite grab on to the memory. Both he and the Watkin’s Salve guy.
My grandmother,who lived in Marshall Co.,Al , would say “Here comes the Peddler”.
My Daddy ran a rolling store in Walker County in the 50’s. He sold feed, grocery Items, meats, kerosene, and had cages for chickens in the back. Sold much to his customers on credit or would trade them for eggs, butter, milk, fresh produce, etc. When he retired the rolling store he turned it into a playhouse for me and my little sister!
I remember the rolling store coming to our house when I was about 5 or 6 . Yes I grew up in Alabama.
YYes, yes, yes,! I am now sixty nine and I was a smal child back then. We would hear the rolling store and would run to the chicken house in search for an egg or two to exchange for candy. it carried Watkin products and rosebud salve. yes, I would love to see that blue truck again come rolling down our street. It would be great, especiallyy for us seniors.
We had two if you remember, Preacer White had the blue one and a fellow named Henderson had the red one.
We had two if you remember, Preacer White had the blue one and a fellow named Henderson had the red one.
My Dad had one in Tennessee when I was a baby, selling Raleigh Products.
I bet them folks got rich lol
One day the rolling store came first ,we traded eggs for fruit ,then the ice truck came brought a block of ice and while leaving backed over a chicken .That day during the week we had a Sunday Dinner -ice tea, fried chicken and fruit 🙂
Coffee Co Alabama
I remember Mr White’s rolling store coming to the end of the road. All us kids would run as fast as we could and mama would carry the eggs to trade for necessities… Lard, flour, sugar, etc.
Yes I do remember the rolling story in Winton county way black then
Yes I do remember the rolling story in Winton county way black then
I remember them also
I remember them also
My dad drove one and I loved going with him on his routes in rural Elmore County. There wasn’t a dirt road we didn’t travel! Some people traded goods for other goods and others bought stuff, sometimes on credit. This brings back so many memories!!!
I live in Elmore county I am trying to find out something about a rolling store from the 50’s. The man’s name was Haynes. He was from Claud near Eclectic. Do you know of him?
My dad drove one and I loved going with him on his routes in rural Elmore County. There wasn’t a dirt road we didn’t travel! Some people traded goods for other goods and others bought stuff, sometimes on credit. This brings back so many memories!!!
My Aunt told me about these in Chilton County.
My Aunt told me about these in Chilton County.
I grew up in Cullman county. I got my first pair of cowgirl boots from the rolling store.
I grew up in Cullman county. I got my first pair of cowgirl boots from the rolling store.
So interesting. We didn’t have this although I lived in country in lee county. My kids would run out to the ice cream truck in town.
So interesting. We didn’t have this although I lived in country in lee county. My kids would run out to the ice cream truck in town.
Mama always said “it’s the coffee man”. I have no idea what this meant id love to know. She died when I was 16. I’m now 57. Anyone got any ideas?!
Mama always said “it’s the coffee man”. I have no idea what this meant id love to know. She died when I was 16. I’m now 57. Anyone got any ideas?!
I remember those days
I remember those days
My mother and daddy had a rolling store business in dale and Houston counties in Alabama. I remember them talking about trading chickens for hard goods. I would have loved to see rolling stores…in my day, it would compare to seeing the pinky dinky ice cream truck coming down the road!!
That was a treat
I love to see the rolling store coming to my house
One day each week!!
I only remember he Watkins flavoring man coming to our house.
my Granny lived in Santa Rosa County FL..right across the Escambia River from AL..fond memories of the Rolling Store..fascinating..remember the smells and how my cousins and I looked forward to getting to go inside the store!!! enjoyed reading and remembering………
I remember the rolling store. When we moved to Coker it use to come to my friend’s house in Buhl. And the Watkins man ( Mr. Moon) came every week to our house.
We had Mr. Boyd who came by on Wednesday afternoon. Mom sold butter, buttermilk, and eggs. We bought sugar, flour and powdered sugar and always got a penny piece of candy.
My Uncle, Jesse Englett, in Orrville. Alabama. had a rolling store for years. My Dad tried one for a time, too.
We had the rolling store by our place in North Alabama years ago. They came by once a week or every other week and had much of the food items that we all needed like flour, sugar just about it all.
What a wonderful historically significant photograph and article .
We had a school bus full of candy that came through the neighborhood in West End back in early 70s. Pretty cool memory.
Please tell me
My grandmom just said the coffee man is here when they arrived
I remember these, we lived for awhile with my grandmother on their farm, simmsville rd I actually have some of the feed sacks that came from the rolling store, had flour I believe. Probably had a dress or two made out of them. Good memories
WHEN I WAS A KID, WAY BACK WHEN, I remember we had one that came by our house.
Being the oldest I remember the rolling store in the summer when we visited my great aunt Fanny in Georgiana, Al. She got flour in those sacks big enough to to make me and my sister Patsy dresses alike. Of course we were city girls (Prichard,Al.) and really didn’t,t appreciate the love this was from a woman who had no children of her own but raised 9 of her husbands children all boys. We hated to go UP there because no indoor plumbing and no electric lights when rolling store came but later they got electricity. My sister and I had to sweep the yard everyday after playing hop scotch no lines were allowed in the yard of dirt. Great memories now. Loved Aunt Fanny but hated the farm and pigs,chickens, and cows.
I got the banana squares candy
Wish they would return!
This is such a fond memory of my child hood in Brook wood Alabama.
Mr Campbell ran one here in Madison county back in the early 50’s .
They even came down our street in Jackson in the 40’s and early 50’s.
You could hear them coming a mile away with pots and pans banging…thoses were the days
So wonderful back then!! Remember them well!!
I remember one in st,Clair Co in moody lol
Peddler truck was such a treat to see coming down the ol country road
Coffee County!!!
My granddaddy had a rolling store!
1040’s in Birmingham. Truck farm veggies. 1960’s Thompson Home Furnishing in Selma area.
Wish they. Wood
I remember growing up when a pick up truck would ride through our neighborhood stop blow his horn and people would go out and buy fresh vegetables for supper. They were so good.
Baby Ruth bars. My favorite treat from mr.Boyd rolling store.
Had one to come in Blount County Alabama
We called them peddlers. Had two a week. Monday and Wednesday
been there, done that–traded two eggs for two pieces of penny candy.
I remember one coming bu our house. One of my uncles used to run one of them!
Hell the Rollin sto had it all including castor oil
Our Rollin’ store came by on wednesday..old converted school bus..loved it..in Elamville, Al..near Clio..Barbour county.
We had one come by on the rural areas of Autauga County. Could get almost anything! The owner was kind enough to let us buy on credit if we didnt have anything to trade or money until the next week!
way before my time
The Rolling Store came to rural Holmes Co, MS, too. When we were at my grandmothers, we would meet it to get candy. My grandmother got some groceries in between monthly trips to town that my granddaddy would make with a neighbor. They didn’t have a car just a mule and wagon.
Coffee county al.my grandparents home love it
For Judy …Gotta tell ya this here story Judy about the rolling store in my momas day, She had married some fello she had been working for in his cafe and on a whim they got married, cant member his name but neway they went to live with his parents. Well when the rolling atore came along, mom had money her husband had left her while he went to to business far off or something. anyway she told mother n law she was going to buy what she liked to eat cus they never had anything she liked so mom sweet lil mom was picking up stuff taking it to the driver pay and get it bagged but most of the time the customers would bring baskets for their items course mom didnt have one and when she paid for her stuff she asked maw n law if could drop her 4 cans of FRUIT COCkTAIL in her basket, mom said she turned all red and her neigbors were staring at mom & her and mom just 17 said whats wrong. damn I’l just carry it myself and about that time the old mnl just slapped the t total crap outa momas face and told her when ye get home the old mans gonna whoop you in the out house… moms still stinging from the pain of being slapped backwards but finally asked her what to hell did you slap me for you old bitch,moma said she looked like was gona faint & she tried to slap her again mom caught her hand now tell me what I did wrong b4 I snap your wrist into! the mnl said why you embarrassed me N my neihbors by talking dirty in front of the driver, mom says what to hell did I say? and she said you were talking about a mans thing between his legs and you wanted him to stick u in the tail! SERIOUSLY this ole woman was so damn backwards anyway ends there mom went gathered up her meager holdings not much Im sure and packed in her wicked eveil perverted sexy fruit coctail and walked all the way to Granny Franklins. her granmother woman who had raised her. Mom said she did cuss them out told then what it was! its was mixed fruit in a can and b4 she left.. she called them every redneck hickseed, inbreeds she had ever met! lmbo so funny now
As late as 1982 there was a rolling store in Morgan County.
When I was little we had a rolling store come by house almost every week, loved it.
We had one that ran on Tuesday and another came on Friday. They would buy your chickens, eggs, coke bottles. Those were hard times, but such memories. Walt
Coffee county rode the rolling store van with a friend. Anything you wanted coffee flour cornmeal snacks drinks tea bread etc
I remember these well at my Mammaw’s in Conecuh County, Alabama.
I remember this as a very small child
I remember rolling stores. Lol
My grandad always gave me a dime to spend. Could get a bag full of candy.
When the economic collapse occurs.
Well that’s why we have Schwans. it’a kind of like a rolling store.
Stopped in Elba and picnicked on our way down to Destin two days ago . The other two occupants of the park were trusties wearing their Coffee County duds . We shared our lunch with them and for a while were their rolling store . It was one of those unexpected , enjoyable encounters .
I used to have to help stock Jessie Englett’s rolling store in Orrville Alabama along with Mike Englett…i sure do miss those times!
l remember when was 3-4 seeing one on Sand Moutain, in the late 40’s……..
This is because people were poor, it is not a good thing.
Lanetta Phillips
Amazon is today’s rolling store.
My dad did this way back in the 1950’s – 1960’s.
I remember Murphy Brothers in Lauderdale County!!
I remember the rolling stores, couldn’t wait for them come by
I remember rolling stores.
Ruth Ann Mitchell
Remember those
Granny used to give us a quarter when we were children and we would walk with her to the main road to meet the rolling store.?Sweet memories!
We had a rolling store come through our neighborhood once or twice a week. Had good candy!
My great grandfather died by getting hit by a rolling store. Ironic to see this today. Awesome read.
I remember. They use to roll by & stop by our house. From Headland -Cheryl Sellers in-laws. Loved it.
Remember well the one that came around Sardis, AL. Loved for Papa Chance to walk me to the end of the road and get peppermint stick candy. I think he ate more than I did 🙂
I remember the bread truck when i was little.
We had a rolling store in Wilcox County. Remember buying supplies when it would stop at our house in Ackerville, Alabama.
I remember being at my grandmothers in Clay County, Al., and the rolling store would come once a week. I would always get in and choose a piece of candy while my grandmother would shop for other things.
We had a rolling store on Orme Mtn. South Pittsburg, TN. My kids loved it…
Our rolling store always stopped in front of my Papa’s grocery store! He was out of 8 Mile, AL, typical plus he had a tinker’s dam and would actually repair a pan or such while you waited!
Mr Gibson was our peddler came every Thursday when I was a child.
I remember grandmother sneaking to buy some kind of medicine. She didn’t want your dad to know she did business with him.
I remember rolling store in Pickens county Al.
I remember Mr. A.W. Herndon saying that he had one.
We had one in Jefferson county Al. when I was very small. It came by my grandmothers who lived in the country. It was fun to walk through.
We had one of these that came thru our neighborhood. It was a big day! Thrills were few in a mining camp. Yea! Here comes the “Rolling Store”. Only 2nd. to the Popsicle man on his bicycle ringing a bell to let u know he was on his way. My Dad always said I could hear that bell ringing 2 miles away! LOL
You can have a complete meal delivered to your home already for you to cook it. Sort of like a Rolling Store.
I loved those Rollin’ Stores.
We had Rolling Store, here in Madison County for Years ,,,
We had one in Williams Community in Alabama. I can barely remember my Granny looking at the stuff.
My Grandmother traded eggs and butter for things she needed.
MY stepfather had one he operated out of Lafayette, GA when he was young.
Jean Tidwell
I remember them very well .that was the good Ole days.
My upbringing
Sounds like a good idea.
My grandfather, Chester Sims served Summerville, GA from Sand Mountain. Fresh chicken meant he took a live hen from the coop and if the woman wanted he’d wring it’s neck.
Actually, in some areas Publix and Walmart are delivering to homes.
Mildred Frisbie Englett did you see this.
When I was growing up in the hills of Cleburne County, AL, a “peddler” driving an old school bus used to come by, for several years, we loved to see his wares, and sometimes bought things. Then he stopped coming, and we learned he had gotten too old and in poor health. I remember my folks taking us to see him. This was in the early sixties…he must have been the last of his kind, as I don’t ever remember seeing a peddler before or since.
Loved them as a young boy. Robert Moon’s was one of the best! Loved ur dads baked coconut bars (red, white, & blue) for a nickel
I remember well , one would come by our house in Gardendale, Al.
I remember them, growing up in rural Alabama!
I remember a guy with a flatbed would come through the millvillage in Clanton. Vegetables, milk and eggs mostly. Mid 50’s
I remember rolling stores in Bibb county. We would get a treat of candy if we were good.
Yes,I remember peddlers of produce and such coming by. I also remember a “Coffee Lady”, This was in the 1940’s in the mining community of Bayview,Alabama when I was a young boy. This lady would come by in what seems to have been,in my memory,a station wagon with a picture of a bag of coffee on the side and my mother would buy coffee from her. For some reason it seems to me,in my failing memory, that her name was Maxine. I do remember she wore a type of uniform with a military type hat. I just wonder if anyone else remembers the “Coffee Lady”.
They are in form of Food Trucks, Rolling consignment stories and even traveling produce trucks with locally grown produce and dairy products.
They have returned to some areas.
Big Papa drove one in the ’20’s and ’30’s.
I remember the ” Hillman ” rolling store company out of Mobile which came thru Monroe County ( Franklin ) in the late 50s .
We called it Peddling Truck!!
I remember one in Coffee County Alabama, it was an old school bus.
We had one in Henry County owned by the (Cheryl Sellers) family. I loved to see it come by.
We had one in Brister’s Cove near Walnut Grove, Alabama in the late forties!
In north Mississippi they were called peddlers
these came around mostly about once a month by my Grand parents farm place on the Mountain in DeKalb County, Ala back roads and my Grand mother would Barter Eggs and Butter for Flour and Sugar and Coffee and other stuff… she love it when the “Rolling Store” came by… and this was in the late 1940s and into the 1950s…
We loved the rolling store!
Linda McKinley Pinto We did, too! One of my favorite memories!
I remember these, my grandparents called them Peddlers.
there was one that came to my grandmother’s when we were young. We were so excited when he came. We would get penny candy.
Came a soaking rain one cold Alabama day in the 1930’s and my mom found a little drowned piglet. She dried him off best she could, opened the oven door and laid him there on a towel. He became her pet, but as he grew was relegated to the outdoors.
But he wanted in and would scratch the screen door when grandmother was in the kitchen. He would also follow her around wherever she went outside.
One day she was walking along the road toward town and folks driving by were honking their horns, waving and laughing. When she turned around, she saw a line of her animals following her, including a chicken or two, a dog and mama’s pet pig. She was mortified!
Grandmother eventually tired of this and sold my mama’s pet pig to the Rolling store.
Next spring when the rolling store came around, the man told my grandmother how much weight he had gained , and said “That was a mighty fine pig”
Makes me think of the Jewel Tea man that came to my grandmother’s house when I was very young.
Wade Dorning
Michael Long
Excel, Al had 5 rolling stores working out of this small Monroe County town!
Remember the Raleigh Products traveling salesman in north Mississippi in late 50’s early 60’s.
It may be coming back, grocery stores are beginning to deliver!
Stevie Parker, do you remember when they came to Granddaddy’s?
Pam Nelson yes we got a lot of things off one of those
Stevie Parker I don’t remember that
Sherry Parker Brazee you weren’t born
Seems like there was one that came to Hulaco in the late 50″s early 60’s. Does the name HEAD AND SON ring a bell to any one.
Eugene Crawford Don’t remember the name but I do remember the peddler coming by our house. Was fun climbing into the store & seeing all the things for sale.
My granddaddy RC Grantham ran one years and so did my daddy Neil Grantham for several years. Sweet memories
You could trade eggs for other food like sugar and coffee.
I can barely remember the Watkins truck coming by in late 40’s. Blount County, AL
Couldn’t wait for rolling store day. My grandmother would give me and cousins a egg each to trade.
One used to come around right after I got married and lived in Chickasaw, Alabama.
I remember the rolling store. We called them the peddler couldn’t wait for him to get to our house!!
I remember the Peddler coming by ..my grandmas house…she always had a basket of eggs sitting by the door to trade! She would get me and my sisters some candy…we thought we had died and gone to heaven! She would tell us to watch for him and we did! 🙂
I remember those days.
We had a peddler when I was in about 2 nd grade
Oh my, I had forgotten the rolling stores!
I remember the Pedaler truck when I was a child
I don’t know we would have done if not for John I. Jones!!!! I was just a baby, but have heard stories all my life!
i remember the pedaler when i was real small.
My Daddy drove one of these back in the 50’s…….all over St. Clair County. I loved going with him during the summer.
It was all we had when my Daddy was hospitalized for months. If it weren’t for my Mama’s garden and a running tab on the “peddler’s truck”, we would have starved.
I remember well!!!!
Lord, y’all. It’s peddler!!
I remember trucks similar to this driving through the countryside
Yes I remember, the hope was that if I heard it coming and was quick enough to let my mama know she would buy me a piece of candy when it stoped.
I think our peddlers name was Arnold anyone in Marshall County ALABAMA remember he had a small brown bag like banana bikes and assortment of candies for a quarter ?
As a kid, the ‘rolling store’ and the ‘ice man’ truck were appreciated!
Schwanns. They are here!
My dad drove the ice truck, I loved going with him in the summer.
Tommy Jones I remember the ice trucks
Good memories
I remember the one in Bluff Springs, Escambia County, Florida. The driver was Mr. Roley.
Mr Norrell come by our house. Lived to see that old blue bus store pull up. We sold him butter
I remember an ice truck and a peddler (rolling store) coming by our house when we moved to the country. I loved it.
This is the work my daddy did, a traveling salesman for Standard Coffee Co. primarily in rural areas of Mississippi, Florida, Georgia and Alabama.
Our neighbor, Mr. Jack Craig, was a Standard Coffee Distributer. My Daddy said he only liked Maxwell House and forbid Mama from buying the Standard brand. She still purchased it and just put it in a Maxwell House can to fool Daddy. He never was the wiser! LOL
When I was pre-school age, Mr. Willie Crawley drove a rolling store in Victoria community. I vaguely remember it. He was Allene Parker’s father.
We loved when the rolling store stopped at our gate!
The rolling store came by my house when I was a child.
My daddy had a rolling store (peddling truck) in late 40’s early 50’s. Talladega and Shelby County.
Patsy Rich Weaver my home.
I remember those rolling stores.
i stayed with my grandparents in Georgiana Al during the summers and the rolling store came by every week.
Loved when the “peddler”, as we called him, would stop at my great grandmothers! Exciting times! ❤️❤️
I loved the rolling store.Mr.Marler was always so sweet.
We called ours the peddler. It was a vehicle like that. Had everything in it. Eva, Ala.
We used to call it the grocery truck, did anyone else call it that? I lived in Colbert county, Al. I always bought penny packs of kissies and Sugar daddys because they would last longer than other candy.
Loved the rolling store visits.
Remember the one from Elba, RC Backer Grantham. Best I remember.
I remember that when I would go and visit my grandmother
He was called the “Peddlar”. He had all the basics and more. We lived him.
I remember those rolling stores! We were always so happy when they came around..
We had a rolling store in Chickasaw in 1963 & 1964.
sometimes the rolling store was the height of our week…
I remember the fruit!
Uriah, Alabama!
We had one come by every Thursday when we lived in Centre.
Mama called them the peddler
We had a Rolling Store come to our house in a Chilton County Al when I was young.
As a kid, I loved the “Rolling Store” coming around, also the “Ice Man Truck”! (Late 30’s, early 40’s)
Even I remember the rolling store !
We had a Rolling Store ( Peddler ) when I was growing up.
My daddy drove a rolling store when he was a young man in Rainsville, AL.
He met my mom when he was 17 and she was 15, he rolled up to their home on top of Sand Mountain (Section, AL) and he said “Oh my Lord, about 8 of the prettiest girls came out of that house! Lillian was the one with the widest smile and the prettiest blue eyes, I fell in love right away!”
The ‘Rolling Store’ was a treat as a child. We also had the ‘Ice Man’ to deliver ice for our ice box (refrig.) to younger people! (Like 75 yrs. ago)