Patron Past Stories

PATRON + Women in Alabama became interested in golf at the turn of the century

In 1898, Birmingham was growing rapidly and an idea of "having a club to show off prize horses and shiny rigs expanded to include…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON – Kellett-Gilbreath nuptials and reopening of Agricultural and City schools were in the local news in Albertville, Alabama in January 1903.

(Transcribed from THE GUNTERSVILLE DEMOCRAT, January 15, 1903, Guntersville, Alabama) CORRESPONDENCE ALBERTVILLE ITEMS Henderson Walker is visiting friends at Anderson, Tenn. Miss Ira Vanzant…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON – On September 18, 1903, in Alabama a strange fissure developed in Madison County and cotton crop deteriorated

On September 18, 1903, in Alabama a strange fissure developed in Madison County and cotton crop deteriorated (Transcribed Extract from The Atmore Record Atmore,…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON + Pioneer Talladega, Its Minutes and Memories Chapter 17 enumeration of Talladega’s first legal highways & residences

Unlock this story. Click to see how to Become a Patron and read thousands of lost and forgotten Alabama stories Photograph of MARKER OF…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON – Vintage 1939 photographs of the progress in education and schools at Gee’s Bend, Wilcox County, Alabama

During 1937, the  Federal Resettlement agency (a part of Roosevelt's New Deal program) purchased the old Pettway plantation and two adjacent farms in the…

New Stories

Anne Newport Royall – the tornado of 1822, cure snake bite, politics & the day all the citizens of Huntsville fled town

Anne Royall (June 11, 1769 – October 1, 1854) was by some accounts the first professional woman journalist in the United States. When her…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON + The Alabama Territorial Government met- first Acts passed included a divorce

The transcribed Acts below, which include an Act for a divorce,  were passed when the Government first met on the 3rd and 4th of February, 1818. ACTS PASSED AT THE FIRST SESSION, FIRST GENERAL…