
A tornado destroyed the old chapel of Wetumpka First Baptist Church, Elmore County, Alabama

A powerful tornado destroyed the First Baptist Church of Wetumpka in January 2019. The old part of the chapel received "significant" structural damage during…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON + Remarkable 1876 letter from Texas to Alabama mentions how former resident Walker K. Baylor died in Texas in 1845

Letter from Tyler, Texas March 2, 1876, printed in the Birmingham Iron Age March 23, 1876 -from Thomas Smith to Frank Grace. This is…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON + Designer of the Alabama flag and the parents of a man in Montgomery went to Abraham Lincoln’s wedding

HISTORIC HOMES By AUGUSTA MARTIN BUTLER (Mrs. Eugene Butler written in 1930) (transcribed from The Alabama Historical Quarterly Volume 1, No. 2, Summer Issue…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON – The Butler County News – 1914 includes personal news from the community of New Home about visits from relatives.

(Excerpts transcribed from The Butler County News, Georgiana, Alabama September 10, 1914) NEW HOME Mr. Ed Tillman, of Opp, visited his aunt, Mrs. J.…