Patron Past Stories

PATRON + Truck driving has come a long way since the days in this 1943 film

The amazing photographs in this film reveal the trucking industry in Montgomery, Alabama in 1943. The drivers had very different roads to traverse compared to…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON – The people in these interesting old photographs from Alabama are unknown. Can you identify them?

While browsing the Alabama State Archives, I have frequently run across some really interesting old photographs of Alabamians with absolutely no information about them.…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON + UPDATED WITH PODCAST & FILM -Forks of Cypress -1822 mansion in Florence, Alabama, had an air-conditioned basement

(Updated with a new film and Podcast) Five miles north of Florence, Lauderdale County, Alabama was a wonderful example of a temple type mansion,…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON + Gen. LaFayette Letters – A letter from General Thomas Farrar about LaFayette’s written March 15, 1825

Governor Israel Pickens appointed General Thomas Farrar to accompany General LaFayette on his visit to Alabama in 1825. General Farrar wrote interesting letters about…