Patron Past Stories

PATRON + The Old Tavern in Tuscaloosa, Alabama was saved! [pictures and film]

The information and illustrations below are excerpts from a book written in 1887 as a prospectus for future investors in Tuscaloosa. Tuskaloosa (Tuscaloosa) is…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON – Frozen mink captured, 61 applied for Teacher’s exam and visitors in Guntersville local news 1903

Interesting news clipppings about the people of Guntersville, Alabama from 1903 (Transcribed from THE GUNTERSVILLE DEMOCRAT, January 15, 1903, Guntersville, Alabama) LOCAL AND PERSONAL…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON + UPDATED WITH PODCAST – Francis Scott Key who wrote America’s national anthem was sent as a peacemaker between settlers and Indians in Alabama [photographs]

Did you know that Francis Scott Key, who wrote America's national anthem arrived in Alabama in the role as peacemaker? Read about his mission…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON + Many Alabama Representatives stayed home in 1837 rather than risk voting on controversial legislation

PATRON + Many Alabama Representatives stayed home in 1837 rather than risk voting on controversial legislation. LEGISLATIVE LABORS in 1837 written by William Garrett1…