1. Beautiful but so sad they are gone forever.

  2. I’ve never forgiven the city for tearing down the rail terminal.

    1. Absolutely unforgivable!!

    2. It was actually the RR company who owned it, who tore it down. (I suspect that, if the city had wanted to preserve it they could have bought it, though.)

    3. It was actually the RR company who owned it, who tore it down. (I suspect that, if the city had wanted to preserve it they could have bought it, though.)

    4. Typical, the destruction of the terminal and my home in Fountain Heights was simply because the area has no link to the heritage of the present gun toting mobsters and their ilk. If MLK had spent a day there, it would be a world heritage site. I was extremely saddened when a former home on Huntsville Road, nearby, was destroyed. It was a beautiful antebellum home built in the 1860’s and destroyed for the sake of a stupid “7-11” store. You cannot fix stupid.

  3. I would love to see some of the photos Pamela King has taken of the homes and buildings.

  4. I lived in Fountain Heights for a while. Beautiful homes


  6. I lived in Fountain Heights during the 60’s – 80’s. I have many memories. I loved the park.

  7. As I remember, the Terminal Station was torn down to build the Red Mountain Expressway! TV host, Tom York and others even recorded a song promoting the Expressway that they played everyday on air. Big Mistake!!!!

  8. In what direction should the protest / discussion be aimed ?

  9. I enjoyed the pics, I lived in Fountain Heights and went to Martin School in the 50’s. I drove around the area 20 yrs ago, I didn’t reconize anything

    1. I also lived in Fountain Heights, on 15th Street from 1950 to 1966. It was a great place to grow up.

  10. It’s a terrible shame what happens to these grand neighborhoods.

  11. Now it’s the hood

  12. Is there’s a come back for Fountain Heights?
    I visit the area at different time of my life. I really like the area

  13. There was some racial transition in Fountain Heights in the 40s, but the major change in the composition of the neighborhood began around 1965-66. That change was due mainly to the state ramming I-65 through the west part of the community which forced out both blacks and whites. The remainder of Fountain Heights and its proximity to the expressway caused massive outmigration. My mother lived in Fountain Heights until 1965. The State of Alabama rammed every inch of the interstate system through many communities, including Green Springs, Acipco, Roebuck, East Lake, Woodlawn, Shadyside, Ensley Highlands, and parts of Ensley itself. The construction of the freeway system was the beginning of a slow, but sure downward spiral for Birmingham.

  14. Very interesting history of Fountain Heights! I lived at 1611 13th Pl. in 1936. Does any one know if that house still exit? It was a duplex. I am now 83 — have many memories of Birmingham– “The Magic City” ! and yes, so sad they destroyed the Terminal Station! Takes no talent to destroy but takes a lot of talent to build and restore!
    Jim Steeley
    Otto NC

  15. I lived in fountain heights in the 50’s and the early 60’s, I attended Carrie A. Tuggle Elementary school, tha was a good area at that time, I have memories from that area, Hate to see how it has turned out, My family moved to California in the 60’s, I hate it out here, always wanted to go back home, I wish i could find some of my friends from home.Praying for the old neighborhood tho.

  16. More damage has been done to our country by the DOT than anybody.