Patron Past StoriesPATRON + Did you know that Coosa County, Alabama had a turnpike in the early 1830s? July 31, 2021 July 16, 2021by Donna R Causey To view this content, you must be a member of Alabama Pioneers Patrons's Patreon at $2 or more Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access this content. Tags: 1800'sAlabama historyCOOSA COUNTYGENEALOGY
PATRON + Creek Indian Nation occupied this county for years – forced to evacuate after 1832 March 24, 2022 August 12, 2022
PATRON – Educational academies in the South introduced military departments during the Civil War July 16, 2022 July 16, 2022
Interesting! I would like to read more about Randolph and Chambers Counties.
We have some on the site. Type in Chambers and Randolph in the search box with the magnifying glass to bring up the articles on those two counties.
Thank you, I will. Keep up the good work!
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My great great grandfather served during the War of 1812 here in Madison County or “Mississippi Territory” with Andrew Jackson, he & family moved here 1817 prior to Alabama becoming a state in 1819.