Category: Uncategorized


“This was an ingenious way to get water” in Bullock County in the early days – [old photographs]

The people of Bullock County, Alabama were very creative when it came to survival as this invention to bring water down from the mountain shows.…


An amazing story and film about the small town of Slapout the hometown of a finalist’s from 2014 American Idol, Jessica Meuse

Holtville High School, Alabama A school in the National & International spotlight (Continued below) Holtville is 27 miles northwest of Montgomery, Alabama and is…


Do you know anyone in these unidentified pictures from around the 1890s in Montevallo, Shelby County, Alabama?

Do you have information about these image? Click here to email Alabama Department of Archives and History: mailto:[email protected] and please include file name (located below image)…


AUTHOR SUNDAY – The first Tuberculosis Sanitarium in Birmingham area was located where English Village in Mountain Brook exists today

TUBERCULOSIS SANITARIUMS ARE NO MORE! by JEAN BUTTERWORTH It was announced in the Birmingham News that as of June 1, 2011 that the Public…

New StoriesUncategorized

{film} Did you know that people were persecuted because of their religious beliefs and some were even killed in the founding days of America?

Read about this sad period of American history in the three-book historical series, Tapestry of Love.  Inspired by true events, these three novels take you back…


Anne Newport Royall – She was alone in the wilderness with her seven children when she met Andrew Jackson in 1818 – guess what happened next

In 1818, before Alabama became a state, Anne Newport Royall (June 11, 1769 – October 1, 1854) was a traveler in Alabama. After her husband…