Category: Uncategorized


AUTHOR SUNDAY: Deciphering the various train whistles was once a form of cheap entertainment

  Trains by Inez McCollum I grew up across the street from a railroad track. When we had guests and a train would pass…


Is this a photograph from the Titanic? [see film] No, it is one of many steamships built by an Alabama native before the Civil War

  When the building of steamboats was still in its infancy, one Alabamian built floating palaces, as fine and as fast as money could…


AUTHOR SUNDAY – In this corner…Jiujitsu Joey from Gatlinburg Tennessee – Watch out for Kangaroo’s at the zoo!

In this corner...Jiujitsu Joey from Gatlinburg Tennessee by Shannon Hollon A few years ago we traveled to Gatlinburg Tennessee for a little family getaway…