Category: New Stories

New Stories

Is there anything more southern than a butterbean festival? This town in Jefferson County has an annual one.

"In the early 1800's, Andrew Jackson's soldiers became the area's first settlers after their victory at Horseshoe Bend. In 1861, residents from the community…

New Stories

UPDATED WITH PODCAST – Madame Wooster cared for the sick in Birmingham & had a romance with John Wilkes Booth is honored at UAB

[The Lou Wooster Public Health Award at the University of Alabama in Birmingham School of Public Health is presented annually by the University of…

New Stories

Simpson Manuscript – Gen. Clanton killed with shotgun by an attorney and stolen portrait of Vice-President William Rufus King

Excerpt from ALABAMA STATE CAPITOL AN HISTORICAL SKETCH, Brochure by JAMES B. SIMPSON, Late Recording Secretary to the Governor JANUARY 1898 Roemer Printing Co.,…