
Portraits of four brigadier-generals from the Civil War with some details of their service

Below are four brigadier-generals who served in the Civil War for the Confederacy. We are publishing photographs of interest to researchers on Alabama Pioneers. To ensure you do not miss any photographs, subscribe to the daily email at the bottom of this page.

Battle, Brigadier General Cullen Andrews Battle, C.S.A. (1829-1905) Q4211

Brigadier General Cullen Andrews Battle, C.S.A. (1829-1905) Photographer C. R. Rees, Petersburg, Virginia. Before his appointment to brigadier-general, Battle had been a major, lieutenant colonel, and colonel of the 3rd Alabama Infantry, C. S. A. Q4211

ALABAMA FOOTPRINTS Exploration: Lost & Forgotten Stories (Volume 1)



Rucker, Brigadier General Edmund Winchester Rucker, C.S.A (1836-1924) Y. Day, photographer, Memphis, Tennessee. During the Civil War, Rucker served in the Confederate cavalry. Q52016

Brigadier General Edmund Winchester Rucker, C.S.A (1836-1924) Y. Day, photographer, Memphis, Tennessee. During the Civil War, Rucker served in the Confederate cavalry. Q52016

ALABAMA FOOTPRINTS – Settlement: Lost & Forgotten Stories (Volume 2)


Pettus, Brigadier General Edmund Winston Pettus, C.S.A. (1821-1907) Before his appointment to brigadier-general, Pettus had been a colonel of the 20th Alabama Infantry, C. S. A. Q4667

Brigadier General Edmund Winston Pettus, C.S.A. (1821-1907) Before his appointment to brigadier-general, Pettus had been a colonel of the 20th Alabama Infantry, C. S. A. Q4667

The Grand Masters of Free & Accepted Masons of the State of Alabama 1811-2011

Brigadier General James Byron Gordon, C.S.A. From Joseph Forney Johnston papers Q2819

Brigadier General James Byron Gordon, C.S.A. From Joseph Forney Johnston papers Q2819



  1. Here is also a BG burried in Talladega at Oak Hill Cemetery. BG Shelley of the 5th Al Inf

  2. My great uncle, James Hagan, was promoted to brigadier general near the end of the war but the commission didn’t arrive (due to slow mail) until the was had ended. He served in the 3rd Alabama Cavalry. for more, see

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