Alabama Pioneers Honored

BIOGRAPHY Rev. Jasper Beavers born 1825, ex-slave

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(1825- ca. 1896)

St. Clair County, Alabama

Rev. Jasper Beavers was born May 9, 1825, in St. Clair County, Ala. His father and mother were slaves, and of course, he inherited their lot.

He now lives at Easonville, in the county in which he was born, and is still a useful, as well as a very pious man. In 1851, he was baptized by the Rev. Jesse Collins (white), and in 1868 was ordained to the work of the gospel ministry by Revs. Henry Wood, J. Collins and T. Bush.

He was the first moderator of the Rushing Springs Association.

Learned to read and write

In spite of the laws of the master forbidding such things, he, in slavery time, learned to read and write. By his industry and economy, he has obtained real estate worth about $2,000. Brother Beavers is a man of fine personal appearance, is modest, genial, industrious, honest, firm. In the early days of our work, there was no more efficient man in St. Clair County than he. A large family of children are the support of his old age.

Since the above was penned, Brother Beavers has passed to the world that lies beyond. He was the most self-possessed and of the most commanding figure of any man in the Rushing Springs Association, though no man among them was more modest and humble. (ca. 1896)


Excerpt from The Cyclopedia of the Colored Baptists of Alabama – Their Leaders and Their Work copyright 1896


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