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Biography and Genealogy
October 9, 1816 – April 20, 1916
Holland – Bibb County, Alabama
Obituary Centreville Press 1916 – In Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Cruise
On the 20th of April, just as the earth was being wrapped in darkness, the spirit of Mrs. Elizabeth Cruise took its flight into that city where darkness is not known. Had she lived until October 9th she would have been one hundred years old. At the age of five years she came with her parents from South Carolina to this state. For more than 94 years she lived in Bibb near Centreville. She died at the old homestead where she had lived about 70 years. Twenty-five years her husband had been watching and waiting for her in the land beyond the river. What a meeting! She joined Mt. Zion Baptist Church in her young womanhood. All these years she lived a consistent Christian life; few ever saw her angry.
She was the mother of nine children, of whom seven are still living. She was a loving , faithful companion, a devoted patient, self sacrificing mother, a true Christian. The Book of books she loved It was her constant companion in her last days. Often you could find her sitting in her favorite low chair, in her accustomed place, reading the precious promises of His word. Loved ones, live as she did, so that when the final summons comes, you, too may fall asleep, at peace with God and man. No one can say “She has harmed me or mine” She lived a life akin to the Master’s. Assembled at the church to pay the last tribute of love, were children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great, great grandchildren – four generations. We feel sure, dear one, that you have entered that city whose walls are of precious stones, whose streets are of pure gold, and as the gates of pearl were thrown open to let you in, what joy, what new light was given chose eyes that were dimmed with age! Your tongue is now tuned to sing the songs that only the redeemed can sing: those beautiful hands are beckoning to us to come and join that heavenly choir. She would say “Let my Jesus be yours; He is able to save you too.” A Niece[Main Family.GED]
Her family emigrated from Holland when she was three (around 1819)
According to Lightsey family notes, she was the daughter of Johannes George Litsey, b. pre 1744; d .. prob. 1791/99,
Barnwell Dist., SC. (a Speculative possible son from census records· and
proximity in Barnwell and Colleton Districts, SC.)Lightsey family notes at
Both Eli Patterson and Elizabeth are buried at Enon Baptist Church – fenced in area.
* Pat Cruise was Irish
* See attached “Brief History of Bibb County by S. L. Johnson of Oxford, Al.
“Pioneers and Residents of West Central Alabama Prior to the Civil War” on page 61
“Baptists of Bibb County, Alabama 1817-1974
1860 CRUISE E. P. Bibb County AL 795 East Side Cahaba River Federal Population Schedule AL 1860 Federal Census Index AL01928454
Known Children of ELI CRUISE and ELIZABETH LIGHTSEY are:
1. SARAH ANN CRUISE, “SALLIE”, b. November 8, 1841, near Centerville, Bibb County, Alabam
Sarah Ann Barbara Cruise’s 1st husband died (Absalom Pratt II)
* 1st husband Absalom Pratt II, (1839- 1864) who was killed 2 wks. after marriage (1863) in Civil War – married 2nd. (1868) Harrison Harris Splawn. (b. 1832 -d. 1873) when her daughter died Ella Elizabeth Splawn Pratt died in 1905 – she and took her mother (Elizabeth) to her son-in-law, Allen Pratt’s house and helped raise the 6 Pratt children (one was my grandmother. Ellarae Pratt. She was called “Big Grandma” and her mother was called “Little Grandma” by the children.
2. ADAM C. CRUISE, “AD”, b. ABT 1854, Alabama; m. ADA MULKEY.
4. MARTHA CRUISE, b. ABT 1843, Bibb County Al.; (m. Pratt?)
5. DAVID L. CRUISE, b. October 20, 1851; d. January 13, 1939, Bibb County,Al. (Mt. Zion Church Cem.); m. ELMIRA PENELOPE LIGHTSEY.
6. WILLIAM CRUISE, b. ABT1851, Alabama.
7. OLLIE C. CRUISE, b. April 19, 1864, Bibb County Al.; d. April 4, 1940, Bibb County Al. (Schultz Creek Baptist Cem.); m. ANDREW J. WEAVER. – Andrew and Ollie lived at River Bend, Alabama

Elizabeth Lightsey Cruise was my gr-gr-gr-grandmother.
Tapestry of Love: Three Books In One Paperback
Tapestry of Love: Three Books In One Paperback
Dr. Don P. Brandon, Retired Professor, Anderson University, Anderson, Indiana
The exhilarating action & subplots keep the reader in constant anticipation. It is almost impossible to put the book down until completion.
This is the first book I have read that puts a personal touch to some seemingly real people in factual events.
Love books with strong women…this has one. Love early American history about ordinary people…even though they were not ‘ordinary’…it took courage to populate our country. This book is well researched and well written.
Julia Smith
A picture of love and history rolled into one. A step back in time that pulls you in and makes you a part of the family and their world.
Ken Flessas
Each book’s writing gets stronger, characters become real, the struggles and sorrows that laid the foundation for this country.
Not only is the story entertaining, it opens the eastern shore of the early Virginia Colony to the reader as a picture book….I know this story will touch many peoples’ hearts.
B. Thomas
At the age of sixteen, Mary and her husband, whom she barely knows, are forced to escape the only home they’ve ever known and settle in the primitive 17th-century world of America where they shape their family’s destiny for generations.
Inspired by actual people and historical events of colonial America, “The Kingdom of Accawmacke” is revealed and secrets about America’s history are discovered in this well-researched series. The story begins in 17th-century England during the reign of Charles I and continues a family’s journey to the eastern shore of Virginia and Maryland.