1. It was demolished this past summer.

  2. Its demolition was delayed for several years due to having an eagle’s nest being built in part of the top of the structure. It could be seen while driving across the new bridge. I am assuming it was abandoned, allowing for the final removal of the old bridge.

    1. It was an osprey nest, not an eagles. I heard someone tore down the nest so they could demolish the bridge.. Don’t know if that is true or not.

    2. Thanks for the clarification. My bird ID skills were challenged driving over the new bridge back then and was going by what I had been told.

    3. I have pics of nest and trying to figure out how to put here in comments, I took several years ago when I lived in scottsboro.

  3. I see you used the word civilized referring to the Native Americans. Please go back to college today …because it is in modern times and referring to Native Americans as being okay because they were civilized is about the most racist thing I have read in a while. What you meant was they acted the most like white people so they were okay.

    1. The transcribed story was written in 1930. We transcribe stories as they are written and that was language of the day. We will include a warning though so it is clearer to the reader. Thanks for the comment.

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