Author: Donna R Causey

Donna R. Causey, resident of Alabama, was a teacher in the public school system for twenty years. When she retired, Donna found time to focus on her lifetime passion for historical writing. She developed the websites www.alabamapioneers and All her books can be purchased at and Barnes & Noble. She has authored numerous genealogy books. RIBBON OF LOVE: A Novel Of Colonial America (TAPESTRY OF LOVE) is her first novel in the Tapestry of Love about her family where she uses actual characters, facts, dates and places to create a story about life as it might have happened in colonial Virginia. Faith and Courage: Tapestry of Love (Volume 2) is the second book and the third FreeHearts: A Novel of Colonial America (Book 3 in the Tapestry of Love Series) Discordance: The Cottinghams (Volume 1) is the continuation of the story. . For a complete list of books, visit Donna R Causey
Patron Past Stories

PATRON – BIOGRAPHY: Washington P. Melton was born 1846

Biographies of Notable and Not-so-Notable Alabama Pioneers included in volume 4 WASHINGTON P. MELTON BIOGRAPHY and GENEALOGY (1846 - 1905) Tallapoosa, Tallladega County, Alabama…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON – These Evergreen Cemetery Inscriptions Before 1942 included many famous people in early Alabama

 These inscriptions and more can be found in the book ALABAMA GENEALOGY NOTES: Volume IV Evergreen Cemetery Inscriptions Before 1942 HISTORIC EVERGREEN CEMETERY, TUSCALOOSA,…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON – Crouch-Walker wedding, former residents and Bible class were in the news on February 6, 1909

(Excerpts transcribed from Phenix-Girad Journal (Girard, Alabama) February 6, 1909) APPROACHING MARRIAGE The following invitations have been received by the many friends of Miss…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON + Magnolia Grove, Greensboro, the old home of Richard Pearson Hobson of “The Sinking of the Merrimac” fame

Magnolia Grove, located at 1002 Hobson Street in Greensboro, Alabama is a historic site and museum located in Greensboro, Hale County, Alabama that is…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON – In Goodwater, Coosa County, Alabama – Local news included lots of visiting among friends & relatives

(Excerpts transcribed from Goodwater Enterprise (Goodwater, Coosa County, Alabama October 13, 1905) LOCALS Mrs. S. H. Pope spent Saturday in Alex City. Fletcher Brown…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON – In Goodwater on October 13, 1905, news of Walden-Reeves wedding, a death, and court notice

(Excerpts transcribed from Goodwater Enterprise (Goodwater, Coosa County, Alabama October 13, 1905) WALDEN-REAVES (REEVES) WEDDING WEDNESDAY OCT. 4, 1905 Miss Elma Walden and Mr.…