Do you have the Abney surname in your Alabama ancestry?
Don’t waste precious time and money completing genealogy research others have done! Take advantage of what other genealogy researchers have discovered and download this E-book in minutes. E-books can be easily downloaded directly to your computer with FREE APPS from Amazon.
This 117 page e-book includes a compilation of documented genealogy records, notes and brief biographies of some GEORGE ABNEY and UNITY MEREDITH who settled in early Alabama.
Many transcribed deeds, church minutes, cemetery records, endnotes, anecdotal stories of descendants have been included. Descendants names in the book include the following: ALLEY, ANDERSON, BARROW, BLANN, BOWEN, BRITTON, BROWN, BURNHAM, BURT, BUSSEY, BUTT, CAMP, CASEY, CHRISTOPHER, CLARK, COUNSEL, DEPREE, DINSON, DOSTER, ECHOLS, FENICHER, FISHER, GARDNER, GAUSDEN, GERALD, GULLEDGE, HAMILTON, KENNEDY, KILLINGSWORTH, KLASSITER, KNUPP, LAZENBY, McMILLAN, MOUGHON, ODEN, PINCHER, ROBINSON, SAMPLE, SANDERS, SMITH, THOMASON, THOMPSON, TRAMMELL, TROUP, WALKER, WHITBY, WOODRUFF, WOOLEY, ZEIGLER This includes some Louisiana and Texas descendants who traveled there from Alabama.
Browse the FREE SAMPLE pages (which includes a brief descendant outline in the first pages) on Amazon to see if this is your family line.
While every attempt has been made to document all data found in this compilation, as with all genealogy works, there is the possibility of inaccuracies. Please use this book as a starting point in your own research.
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I know where a lone grave for a Palmer Dabney Abney is located. Died in the 1850’s in Claiborne, AL.
Mary Lou Abney
These are Sam’s relatives. This is the Abney cemetery out from Maplesville. Browns and Abneys are buried there.
Thank you so much.