1. Definite orb and probably him!

  2. Photograph of a photograph-reflections.

  3. its not an orb, its a copyrighted photo with a watermark, and it literally says copyrighted image on the photo. Do you have permission to use it? better find out, laws have changed in the last few months. Be considerate of ther ppls work. Pisses me off

    1. This story was written by the girl in the picture next to the historical marker sign. The orb is on the left side of her in that picture. She sent both pictures.

  4. I jumped off of this bridge as a kid in the sixties lived maybe a mile away

  5. How can I contact Leslie? I’m researching my James Ross ancestor, too.

  6. It’s a digital copyright watermark.

  7. It’s a signature or watermark. What I see is “by by G…”

  8. I read a lot about this in the hotel.

  9. Photography by G???? and below is ???ckets image copyright protected.