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PATRON – The Act and Names of Civil War soldiers by County (All counties) of residence furnished artificial limbs in 1872

ARTIFICIAL LIMBS The first relief Act by the State of Alabama in aid of former Confederate soldiers who were maimed during the War Between…


Alabama sent many volunteer soldiers in search of Pancho Villa after he attacked a town in New Mexico in 1916 [photographs]

Mexican Revolution In 1910, a revolution in Mexico began. All across Mexico, volunteers aligned with different factions, and Pancho Villa aligned with Francisco I.…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON – The Act and Names of Civil War soldiers by County (All counties) of residence furnished artificial limbs in 1868

ARTIFICIAL LIMBS The first relief Act by the State of Alabama in aid of former Confederate soldiers who were maimed during the War Between…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON + Would you travel 1000 miles on horseback to attend the University of Alabama? This 14-year-old boy did

JOHN MURRAY FORBES'S HORSEBACK TRIP TO ALABAMA IN 1831. By Thomas Semmes Forbes, Birmingham Originally written ca 1904 (Transcribed from Transactions of the Alabama…


UPDATED WITH PODCAST Mysterious, haunted mansion [pics and films] in Tuscaloosa has many historical connections

The beautiful Jemison-Van de Graaff Mansion in Tuscaloosa, Alabama is filled with mysteries such as a door that leads nowhere, deep underground tunnels, 2-foot…